Monday, November 19, 2007

Me. Again.

IShkkk.. so the very mengantuk today. Its pretty hard to work when youre a bit under the weather. Its either I'm really lazy or the medication is causing me a bit drowsy.

Lately, Ive missed quite a few wedding n it looks like I'll be missing my very own highschool reunion after 5 years. Bahhh... dont get me wrong. I love meeting my ex-schoolmates. What I hate the most is the golden question that pops during this kind of get together events like " bila nak kahwin?" or "dah ada calon belum?" Come on. Im already 27 y.o. la... I can take care of myself with or without anyones help.

Its the getting married season kicking in expecially for Malays as school holidays just kicked in. Its also known as sakit perut season where you go to too many weddings and risk your stomach by eating bad food. Arghhhh..! tak larat..

1 comment:

fadli izmir said...

im stuck in the middle

to go out on a date or go to the reunion?

guess if ur not coming.. wont be that fun! shucks..

haih.. pompuan nyer pasal..